Hold Fast to Your Dreams
'Hold fast to your dreams, for without them life is a broken winged bird that cannot fly.' Langston Hughes
Thursday, April 4, 2013
How to Deal with a Dictator
How can we help countries who have dictators become free from this oppression?
Campaigning and raising awareness is something small that outsiders can do to help. Insiders can try small arranged protests continuing onto rebellion and gaining back the publics power. No ways are guaranteed to work, but when you are desperate for change you will try everything. I believe the main way to deal with a dictator is to get the public all on the same page and too stand up for your rights as a group and not just as one.
When Caesar was assassinated many problems came along afterwards. Before assassinating a dictator you have to know what you are going to do after. It is important to make sure that the country knows how they are going to control the country once the leader is killed.
The dictators of the present and possible future are another story. People such as King Jung Un are serious risks to not just North Korea but the world. Kin Jung Un's major military force including nuclear weapons is a major threat and worry. This is a massive issue that needs to be fixed due to the harm Kim Jung Un could cause. But how to go around this is the main issue and virtually impossible to know what the right thing is to do. Coming up with a solution to stop dictators from causing major harm is very hard when needing to respect everybody's views and voices.
The people who are under an oppressed leadership need our help. We can come together and make a change. An exact solution to dealing with a dictator may not be easy to come up with. Although it is important to fight for what you believe is worth fighting for.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Children's Peace Prize Award - Nkosi Johnson
Born with HIV/AIDS , Nkosi Johnson was abandoned by his desperate infected mother. After he was adopted by his stepmother Gail Johnson, at the age of two he took his firsthand experience and decided to make a difference for those mothers and children infected with Hiv/Aids. Nkosi had the desire and determination to help those less fortunate than himself.
He was fighting to bring joy and rights to those with HIV/AIDS, Nkosi decided to take action and create a haven for those in need. As well as carrying out public speeches, educating others on treating people with HIV/AIDS equally.
1"Nkosi Johnson- The face of Aids." 2009. 1 Nov. 2012
2"Nkosi Johnson speech - Ieterna.org." 1 Nov. 2012
3 "Nkosi Johnson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia." 2004. 1 Nov. 2012 <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nkosi_Johnson>
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Harrison Berguson - A Message
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Poems. Whats worth fighting for?
My most comfy worn in levis plimsolls - more yellow than white.
A pair of my old navy blue school shorts from Grade 7.
My new ISKL blue school shirt I bought for the new school year.
A pair of red or dead glasses covering my yellow, blue and green coloured eyes.
My ears pierced but naked!
There is a sweaty mess of hair tied in a ponytail.
A friendship bracelet on my right wrist.
Followed by a pandora themed bracelet.
On my left wrist a turquoise ice watch is sitting.
A tiny horseshoe hanging from my neck full of luck.
Some chipped poppy red nail polish on my fingernails.
I’m from the indoor play parks. and the warm public swimming pools, I am from the ski slope beside Asda. From making beds out of leaves, I’m from the great deep snow on christmas day. From my mums song she made up for brushing teeth. The lovely winter outfit my Nanny gave me. The theme tune of the tweenies and the teletubbies. From the cold classrooms, and the old drafty house. My mum calling me sweetheart and honey. I’m what my friends called me, A plonker! I’m the laugh when my Dad calls my sister squirrel nutkin! I’m the curiosity when my Mum calls my Dad ‘Victor Meldrew’! I’m from the freezing lakes I’ve jumped into. I’m from camping with friends. I’m from the beaches of Corfu, from the mud pie making competitions with my cousins. I’m an Aberdonian abroad! From the old pictures of relatives. I’m from the memory box under my bed. I come from my adoring ancestors of generations. I’m the new in the old. |
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Kristallnacht response-Olivia
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
The Boy in The Striped Pyjamas

Something that came to my mind was the meaning of peace. have we ever come close to it? Do we even understand the meaning of peace? No. So far nobody has explained the meaning of piece who knows if peace exists.
This is one of many stories of World War 2. This book shows and different prospective of the War, a prospective of a German boy. Innocent and kind Bruno doesn't understand what is going on around him. Most books are written fromthe prospective of Jews not so many people look into the Germans side of the story.
The Boy in The Striped Pyjamas by John Boyne was a great and heart touching book. That help me understand the War a lot. I would definitely recommend this book for all ages. World War 2 is such an interesting topic although can get complicated. This book sums it up simply and quickly. 5 Stars!!!