Check out my own 2010 zeitgeist!
'Hold fast to your dreams, for without them life is a broken winged bird that cannot fly.' Langston Hughes
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

In class we did a couple of activities to find out what our profile was and my one is MM, I am also in the gestalt section. If you don't know what gestalt means it is from germany and means that you learn and think in a smooth but surprising way. You don't like to be told what to do in order but prefer to just go with the flow.
The profile MM say that I am able to learn best through movement and by focusing on the whole picture. I honestly don't agree with this at all I prefer to be sitting down and listening and looking. Also I prefer to have things written down one after another so I know what I am doing. Looking at whole picture normally confuses me a lot, but they also say things about me that are definitely true. They say when I am under stress I may feel clumsy and stuck and don't know what to do. This definitely explains me when I am stressed and down at times.
To help me I can be encouraged that learning is very important and when I am feeling down I also need encouragement. It also says sitting near the front of the class where I can see but can't distract others with movement should help me. I think that this should help me quite a bit and will sit near the front when I am having difficulties at paying attention. Also I feel that I learn better by having someone near by who is able to help me when I am stuck, not to give me the answers but just to be their for support. A student who understands what I need help with would be perfect for sitting beside in class.
I think that the MM profile is 50% true and 50% not true about me, sometimes I feel like I need to sit alone when I have loads of work to do but if I need help I prefer sitting near somebody. Knowing that this is my profile I would like to improve some of the things that they think I am bad at. Also I would like to keep up the positive things about me like being able to see the whole picture straight away and things similar to that. It helps knowing what my profile is and for the most part I am happy with this I put myself down as being left handed but when we tested me I can actually do most things with both hands, so that is probably why some of the facts don't actually suit me. I am really excited that I was able to find out that I can write with both hands!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Lit.Circle Collaborate Constructively
"Politeness is the poison of collaboration."
A partner can have benefits and downsides depending on who you are working with. Working with my partner Michelle has been a benefit as we have been pushing each other to the limit and helping each other to improve our Literature circles. I feel like doing more work on my Lit.Circle if my grade goes towards someone else's so I am always getting a good grade when I work with someone. You also don't have to do as much work if you work constructively with your partner. You are able to meet new people and make friends with them while you are working together. Everyone gets feedback from one another if you work in a group or with a partner. I think it improves your working skills to collaborate with others as you go.
Their can also be challenges through working with a partner like having to figure out a way to work on the same document and who is doing what pieces of work. Once you have done that though you will whizz through everything that you have to do so easily. It is really fun collaborating with your partner and learning the ways that they work so it might help you when you dont understand how to do something.
I have gained a lot of understandings about the book hatchet from michelle as she has explained parts to me that I didn't quite understand at parts of the book. I am feeling really confident about my next literature circle now and think that I will really enjoy doing it. Having a partner secures me and helps me on my way to a better grade and I really enjoy having one.
"Collaboration is no longer painful - or precious."
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Papua New Guinea
The reason that Papua New Guinea is so much poorer than Australia and New Zealand is because when the English sent over prisoners to Australia and NZ when they were freed they would decide to stay in Australia and NZ to create a family and living. This meant the population was growing much quicker than New Guinea's and had a much higher standard of living. Also Jared Diamond believes that geography plays a big part in modern and wealthy areas such as the UK and America. I think that reason Australia and NZ are much wealthier and modern countries is also because Papua New Guinea was happy how it was and did not need to think about becoming more wealthy or modernized. Their way of living was fine and didn't need to be changed.
Sometimes I wonder why Malaysia to me seems much more advanced in technology then Scotland. I think this is because Scotland takes small steps at a time but started before KL and that Malaysia takes massive leaps not as often as Scotland takes small ones. this might be part of the reason that Australia and NZ are so much richer and modernized than Papua New Guinea. I think that this can be changed in time and Papua New Guinea can become slightly more modernized obviously not as much as NZ and Australia but much more than they are now.
Technology is something that New Zealand and Australia are both very good at using on a day to day basis. Papua New Guinea is not as able to use the technology yet as they have not created even a small modern city yet. Papua New Guinea is very capable of having a good life without even needing technology. Papua New Guinea would love to be more modernized but since they didn't ever use steel they wouldn't ever be able to make anything out of it, this means not technology and no big modern buildings.
Papua New Guinea will someday catch up with New Zealand and Australia and will become a new, bigger and better city! Just Wait and See!
Papua New Guinea will someday catch up with New Zealand and Australia and will become a new, bigger and better city! Just Wait and See!
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Not Those Kids Again!!!
These Blue-spotted Mudskippers were trying to out-pout each other to gain ownership of this clump of mud!
It is very nice and quiet over in this corner as a matter of fact it is quite cosy being surrounded by all of these big lush green leaves which are a gazzilion times bigger than me! I don't normally hang around in bushes you see I normally create holes in the mud and live there. Ooooh that must have hurt! Did you just see that? Some guy just stepped on one of my friends the crab! I better go and see if he is still alive! Make sure I am not stood on as well would you? He is fine, luckily he was able to dig a hole into the mud really quickly so that he could escape. Lets go see how those kids are doing planting those mangroves then, eh?
Wow quite impressive. their doing pretty good compared to the last group of kids that were here! Oooh be careful with that little mangrove my dear. it looks like it's away to fall over! Quickly pick it up! Sometimes I get so frustrated when they don't understand what I'm saying - I feel like jumping in there ear and screaming down it sometimes! Sorry about that I am just needing something to eat that is why I am so cranky, lets go and find something yummy then.
Look what I have found a juicy looking dead fly yum, yum! It was a real tasty, plump, squidgy and slimy snack, just enough to tide me over. I think the kids are getting ready to leave now, it looks like everyone has planted a mangrove. The one thing that I don't understand is why they wash off all the lovely mud from their clothes and bodies? It smells and feels so good to me! But I guess a humans got to do what a humans got to do!
No sooner had the bigger one seen off the smaller to the lump in the distance than an even bigger pouter arrived!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Bullying Grade!!!
When I was in fourth grade at my old school in Scotland. They would grade our work by putting you're score on the top and the over all amount on the bottom. We had just finished our first math test since it was early in the year.I was sitting in class and the teacher had just handed back our quizzes my best friend Jade sat beside me all the time as we had been best friends since we were 2 years old
"I didn't get such a good grade" Jade said in a sad sort of voice.
"What did you get?" I asked.
"6 out of 20"she replied.
I immediately turned round not thinking what I was doing and said well I got 20 out of 20! All of a sudden Jade looked sadder then before. I didn't know what to say so I quickly said that I was going to hand back my quiz and if she wanted I could give back hers as well. A couple of seconds later in a quiet sort of voice she said it is ok. For the rest of the day I had no courage what so ever to talk to Jade so I left her upset for the entire day.
I now know to never tell or ask anyone what they got on a quiz because it can hurt there feelings a lot. Me and jade are still really good friends since she forgave me. So there it is you can bully someone without knowing it!
"I didn't get such a good grade" Jade said in a sad sort of voice.
"What did you get?" I asked.
"6 out of 20"she replied.
I immediately turned round not thinking what I was doing and said well I got 20 out of 20! All of a sudden Jade looked sadder then before. I didn't know what to say so I quickly said that I was going to hand back my quiz and if she wanted I could give back hers as well. A couple of seconds later in a quiet sort of voice she said it is ok. For the rest of the day I had no courage what so ever to talk to Jade so I left her upset for the entire day.
I now know to never tell or ask anyone what they got on a quiz because it can hurt there feelings a lot. Me and jade are still really good friends since she forgave me. So there it is you can bully someone without knowing it!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Discovering My Love For Animals!!!
I was walking outside my local mall when I came upon a little stall with a couple of young adults standing around. Soon I noticed a small cage with six very cute and petit kittens. They were all black with a circle of white around they're right eye. A couple of seconds later I heard a bark coming from behind the stall, there I saw four adorable dogs of all shapes and sizes. The next thing I knew I was round the back of the stall hugging all the dogs!
The feelings and emotions moved inside of me stirred an overwhelming sense of love and compassion towards these abandoned, unwanted animals. I knew that I had to help out in someway! So I put all my pocket money that I had with me into the donation box but I knew it wasn't enough. So I decided to do something bigger and better!
The next day I went into my mums closet and pulled out and old shoebox of hers. I ran into my room picked up my scissors and cut a little slot on the top for money to go in. I was ready to save some animals lives! I went door to door knocking on peoples houses around the compound asking to make a donation, I got so much! There was this one house that gave me sixty ringitt they really wanted to help out! I surprised myself when I realized what I could achieve in such a short amount of time.
Save The Animals Help Out!
Monday, August 30, 2010
How can understanding the past, help us to understand our world?
Understanding our past is paramount in helping us to understand our world we live in today. The present can only be defined through our past. Everything taking place in our environment right now is a result of something that happened in our history.
When we understand the past, we learn basic concepts and ideas. We also learn cause and effect, relationships and human nature. We can really imagine what it must have felt like to live through previous historical events. For example when we learn about the history of other countries, we can understand the sorrow or happiness caused through there past.
Understanding our past can help us give us a better insight into our future. Hopefully, we can understand what we should avoid and what we should do to improve our world today.
Monday, August 16, 2010
I would like to be an Archaeologist because you are able to discover amazing things like Tut's tomb. You could find some amazing treasures of the past and also have great fun in the desert or the Amazon. You could find old vases that help find out more from the past or you could find skeletons and see how different the bones were at that point in time.
Also a great thing about being an archaeologist is that you can travel the world while your doing it and meet amazing people.I really enjoy being outdoor and digging and looking after my garden so I think it would be really fun. A bonus to the job is that you would get to taste lots of yummy food!!!!!!!!
I would be able to share all the information that I get with others so that they can learn about the past just like me. I think it would be fun to teach others about archeology and the importance of the past. I really like watching Indiana Jones it has a lot of archeology in it.
I think it would be great to do underwater archeology and find artifacts from the titanic it would be an amazing job. Even if you were looking for less famous artifacts it would fun, sometimes I like to look for things in the see that are interesting like flags of old boats and old pieces of wood.
Images from:
Saturday, August 7, 2010
About me
Hi, my name is Olivia and I am from Scotland though I live in Malaysia. I am very happy because I go to a brilliant school called ISKL, which stands for the International School of Kuala Lumpur. I am reading a wonderful book right now called the secret diary of Adrian Mole aged 13 and ¾. One of my favourite sports is swimming along with football and rugby.
The last three books I have read were, The Cardturner by Louis Sachar, 11 Birthdays by Wendy Mass and last but not least The Butterfly Lion By Michael Morpurgo. I really enjoyed these books and would definitely recommend them.
The latest movie that I have seen was Diary of a Wimpy Kid The Movie, I guess it was okay but it is not my favorite movie. Probably my all time favorite movie would have to be The A Team.
One of my academic goals for this year is to improve in my math. I don’t have a certain area of focus, I would just like to work on it all a bit more.
This year I am going to try to make lots of new friends so that if one of my friends leaves I will still have many more to play with. I am very happy because I have already made tonnes of friends.
The best vacation I have ever been on is when we went to Aviemore a small village in the Scottish Highlands. There was a water slide and flumes there and I had the best time ever!
I am funny, helpful, artistic, caring and loving.
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