Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Discovering My Love For Animals!!!

I was walking outside my local mall when I came upon a little stall with a couple of young adults standing around. Soon I noticed a small cage with six very cute and petit kittens. They were all black with a circle of white around they're right eye. A couple of seconds later I heard a bark coming from behind the stall, there I saw four adorable dogs of all shapes and sizes. The next thing I knew I was round the back of the stall hugging all the dogs! 

The feelings and emotions moved inside of me stirred an overwhelming sense of love and compassion towards these abandoned, unwanted animals. I knew that I had to help out in someway! So I put all my pocket money that I had with me into the donation box but I knew it wasn't enough. So I  decided to do something bigger and better! 

The next day I went into  my mums closet and pulled out and old shoebox of hers. I ran into my room picked up my scissors and cut a little slot on the top for money to go in. I was ready to save some animals lives! I went door to door knocking on peoples houses around the compound asking to make a donation, I got so much! There was this one house that gave me sixty ringitt they really wanted to help out! I surprised myself when I realized what I could achieve in such a short amount of time.  

 Save The Animals Help Out!


  1. Dear Olivia,
    That was really kind of you to ask donation for the dogs from everyone. Did you adopt any af the dogs? Also that was really barve of you to go around asking for donation I would be really shy to do that but you are really brave.
    P.S see now I helped you comment on your blog!!!


  2. i did not adopt any dogs but i have a golden retriever and thanks for commenting

  3. Olivia,
    I think you had a great blogpost, I liked how you described how many animals there were instead of just saying they were there. It's also very interesting how you walked around your neighborhood gathering money to help the homeless animals. A lot of people wouldn't feel they needed to do that, they would probably thought their pocket money would suffice. You had a few punctuation errors, but if you ignore that you have a very nice blogpost!
