Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Bullying Grade!!!

When I was in fourth grade at my old school in Scotland. They would grade our work by putting you're score on the top and the over all amount on the bottom. We had just finished our first math test since it was early in the year.I was sitting in class and the teacher had just handed back our quizzes my best friend Jade sat beside me all the time as we had been best friends since we were 2 years old
"I didn't get such a good grade" Jade said in a sad sort of voice.
"What did you get?" I asked.
"6 out of 20"she replied.

I immediately turned round not thinking what I was doing and said well I got 20 out of 20! All of a sudden Jade looked sadder then before. I didn't know what to say so I quickly said that I was going to hand back my quiz and if she wanted I could give back hers as well. A couple of seconds later in a quiet sort of voice she said it is ok. For the rest of the day I had no courage what so ever to talk to Jade so I left her upset for the entire day.

I now know to never tell or ask anyone what they got on a quiz because it can hurt there feelings a lot. Me and jade are still really good friends since she forgave me. So there it is you can bully someone without knowing it!

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