Saturday, October 16, 2010

Not Those Kids Again!!!

 These Blue-spotted Mudskippers were trying to out-pout each other to gain ownership of this clump of mud!

Not again, it was just yesterday when I had another group of kids invading my territory! Aagghhrrr,  better skip out of here fast before some kid falls on top of me! Wow what a lucky escape, I remember when I saw my cousin Theodor being sat on- not a pretty site! Allow me to introduce myself, I am Antonio a mudskipper who lives in Kuala Selangor Nature Park. I like it very much here but at times like these when there are a bunch of rotten kids planting mangroves here it can get a bit wild. I am going to do a runner to a bush over there where no kids can tread on me, so here I go................
  It is very nice and quiet over in this corner as a matter of fact it is quite cosy being surrounded by all of these big lush green leaves which are a gazzilion times bigger than me! I don't normally hang around in bushes you see I normally create holes in the mud and live there. Ooooh that must have hurt! Did you just see that? Some guy just stepped on one of my friends the crab!  I better go and see if he is still alive! Make sure I am not stood on as well would you? He is fine, luckily he was able to dig a hole into the mud really quickly so that he could escape. Lets go see how those kids are doing planting those mangroves then, eh?
     Wow quite impressive. their doing pretty good compared to the last group of kids that were here! Oooh be careful with that little mangrove my dear.  it looks like it's away to fall over! Quickly pick it up! Sometimes I get so frustrated when they don't understand what I'm saying - I feel like jumping in there ear and screaming down it sometimes! Sorry about that I am just needing something to eat that is why I am so cranky, lets go and find something yummy then.
       Look what I have found a juicy looking dead fly yum, yum! It was a real tasty, plump, squidgy and slimy snack, just enough to tide me over. I think the kids are getting ready to leave now, it looks like everyone has planted a mangrove. The one thing that I don't understand is why they wash off all the lovely mud from their clothes and bodies? It smells and feels so good to me! But I guess a humans got to do what a humans got to do!

No sooner had the bigger one seen off the smaller to the lump in the distance than an even bigger pouter arrived!

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