Thursday, October 28, 2010

Papua New Guinea

 The reason that Papua New Guinea is so much poorer than Australia and New Zealand is because when the English sent over prisoners to Australia and NZ when they were freed they would decide to stay in Australia and NZ to create a family and living. This meant the population was growing much quicker than New Guinea's and had a much higher standard of living. Also Jared Diamond believes that geography plays a big part in modern and wealthy areas such as the UK and America. I think that reason Australia and NZ are much wealthier and modern countries is also because Papua New Guinea was happy how it was and did not need to think about becoming more wealthy or modernized. Their way of living was fine and didn't need to be changed.
Sometimes I wonder why Malaysia to me seems much more advanced in technology then Scotland. I think this is because Scotland takes small steps at a time but started before KL and that Malaysia takes massive leaps not as often as Scotland takes small ones. this might be part of the reason that Australia and NZ are so much richer and modernized than Papua New Guinea. I think that this can be changed in time and Papua New Guinea can become slightly more modernized obviously not as much as NZ and Australia but much more than they are now. 

Technology is something that New Zealand and Australia are both very good at using on a day to day basis. Papua New Guinea is not as able to use the technology yet as they have not created even a small modern city yet. Papua New Guinea is very capable of having a good life without even needing technology. Papua New Guinea would love to be more modernized but since they didn't ever use steel they wouldn't ever be able to make anything out of it, this means not technology and no big modern buildings. 

Papua New Guinea will someday catch up with New Zealand and Australia and will become a new, bigger and better city! Just Wait and See!

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