Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Lit.Circle Collaborate Constructively

"Politeness is the poison of collaboration."

A partner can have benefits and downsides depending on who you are working with. Working with my partner Michelle has been a benefit as we have been pushing each other to the limit and helping each other to improve our Literature circles. I feel like doing more work on my Lit.Circle if my grade goes towards someone else's so I am always getting a good grade when I work with someone. You also don't have to do as much work if you work constructively with your partner. You are able to meet new people and make friends with them while you are working together. Everyone gets feedback from one another if you work in a group or with a partner. I think it improves your working skills to collaborate with others as you go.

Their can also be challenges through working with a partner like having to figure out a way to work on the same document and who is doing what pieces of work. Once you have done that though you will whizz through everything that you have to do so easily. It is really fun collaborating with your partner and learning the ways that they work so it might help you when you dont understand how to do something.

I have gained a lot of understandings about the book hatchet from michelle as she has explained parts to me that I didn't quite understand at parts of the book. I am feeling really confident about my next literature circle now and think that I will really enjoy doing it. Having a partner secures me and helps me on my way to a better grade and I really enjoy having one.

"Collaboration is no longer painful - or precious."


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