Monday, March 14, 2011

The Giver: Why does The Giver say that making choices would be frightening for people?

In humanities we are reading the book the Giver and were told to choose to write about one of these three questions:
1. When Jonas learns all about col2. Why does Jonas find the instruction about lying so disturbing?
ors, he claims "it isn't fair that nothing has color". Why does he say this?
3. Why does The Giver say that making choices would be frightening for people?
I chose to answer the 3rd question why does the Giver say that making choices would be frightening fort he people. The reason that I chose to write about it is because you could answer this question so many different ways as everyone has a different prospectives.

The reason that I think it would be frightening for the people to make choices is because they would not know what to do. Imagine being locked up for the whole of your life and being told what to do and then being let out into the wild having to make decisions for yourself. It would be so hard and no one would be able to help you as no one else knew what to do either. This is how it would have felt for the people of Jonas's community. Everyone would be in a mess especially if they let you choose your own job. What if when you picked your own job you picked because you thought it would be fun but in the end you don't understand anything about the job. This is one of the benefits about being assigned a job as you know that you should do good at it. If I was like Jonas and was the receiver of memories then I would probably think the same and say it would be dangerous for the people. They would not know what to do during spare time or what to eat or even when to get up. I think it would take generations after generations for the people from Jonas's community to understand what choices are and how to make them.

"Or what if," he went on, almost laughing at the absurdity, "They chose their own jobs?"
"Frightening, isn't it?" The giver said.
Jonas chuckled. "Very frightening. I can't even imagine it. We really have to protect people for wrong choices."
"It's safer."
"Yes" Jonas agreed "Much safer."

I think the reason is because everyone even the giver is scared of making choices because they have not had the choice for generations. Even though he saw the memories of the world he is still scared to make choices and change in the community. I think that Jonas will be brave enough to help make change in the community. Jonas will fight for his people and make the community more free sot hat they can make more choices. It might take him a little bit of time to understand that not all choices are frightening like it say in the quote.

"Asher," JOnas said one morning. "Look at those flowers very carefully."
"What's the matter?" Asher asked uneasily. "Is something wrong?"
"No, nothing I thought for a minute that they were wilting, and we should let the gardening crew know they need more watering." Jonas sighed, and turned away.

In this passage Jonas is already trying to see if anyone else can see the colour in the flowers so I know that he will help the community make good, healthy choices. It will be hard but important for Jonas to help his people understand choices. He will make a great receiver of memory and will bring more hope to the people then any other. It may take a while for them to understand as they can't receive the memories at least not yet like Jonas. I think Jonas will do a great job at helping the people and will be a responsible leader.

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