Saturday, February 25, 2012

Kristallnacht response-Olivia

Kristallnacht, "The night of Broken Glass" terrorized, manipulated, tortured and destroyed the Jews.
On November 7th of 1938 a German diplomat was assassinated in Paris by a 17 year old Jewish boy named Grynszpan. On Novemeber 10th the consequences arrived, at 3pm a Jewish synagogue and youth center were put on fire. Soon the Nazis started to destroy Jewish business's and homes. House and shop window were smashed. (Therefore getting the name "The Night of Broken Glass".) Stormtroopers demanded entry to many peoples houses allegedly looking for weapons but later on left after the house had been turned upside down and no weapons were to be found.
later a new regulation was stated saying: "Jews in Germany had to pay one billion reichmark for restitution., for the damage the Nazis caused them.
November 16th 1938, now Jews were allowed to attend public schools and universities.
December 3rd, 1938 Jews were made to stay inside from noon until eight at night and were made to carry pooh identity cards they were also not allowed drivers licenses. By January 1st. 1939 all jewish buisness's were sold at a fraction of the price to 'pure Germans'. Also Jews were required to have a Jewish first name, next the Nazis marked all Jewish passports with the letter J.
Many Jews were seeking emigration but this also became an obstacle. To leave Jews had to first register everything ha they owned the secondly they have to obtain appropriate identification and also have proof of a sponsorship county door immigration. Finally hay had to give up most of their wealth to collect a visa from the state. This was a long rigorous obstacle that many Jews could not afford.
During Kristallnacht 191 synagogues were set on fire, over 100 Jews were killed and over 30,000 others were sent to concentration camps. This was a terrible and terrorizing time in history that should be remembered for how terrible it really was.

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