Sunday, November 20, 2011

Olivia HH

This is the second time I have taken the dominance factor test, the first time I took it was in 5th grade I was MM and Gestalt. Now I have moved to grade 7 and become HH Logic! This to me is a big difference and also a good one. When I took the dominance factor the first time I was sure I was going to be logic although I turned out gestalt. I like my daily plan listed ands straight forward, I find step by step easy to follow. Although my profile MM said that I find it hard to follow step by step instructions as you can read on my online portfolio. I think my new logic appearance suits me better and I agree with what it says. I love humanities and global issues but am very stressed when ti comes to tests. The night before I get worked up and sometimes when I take the test my brain goes all cloudy and I cant think properly. This is what my profile says.

Too calm myself down I tell myself it is not the end of the world and there are other tests to make up for it. I always find keeping up my grades is a constant effort and sometimes I wish I could take a break. I need to realize that grades aren't the only important things in life. My profile says that I need time alone to relax and enjoy the world around me and I find this very true.

It also says that movements are planned before being made and that is very true. Both physically and physiological moments are always planned out i my hear and if they are not it can sometimes end in a bit of a mess. I always try to keep my work nice and orderly as I enjoy being proud of it that is why I plan ahead.

I am also ambidextrous and found out last year when we took the test. We had to get someone to drop a pen and we had to catch it the hand that you caught it with would help decide what dominance factor you are. It turns out my hands work to gather and I cant just catch it with one hand. So I tried writing with both hands and I could do it and then I tried writing with both hands at the same time and I could do it! I was amazed at myself and never realized this until last year.

One thing that I tend to struggle at is keeping my balance quite often I will miss a step on a staircase and find it hard to coordinate my hands and feet for certain sports. I find this a pain but keep working on it and try my best anyway. You never know maybe I will change next year!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

A Found Poem

Ignorance is innocence.
Darkness, is the shadow.
Look below Zeus!
Man eats his meat raw.
By the gift of fire.
Framed fates, old age.

I take pity on you.
Who helped me to give them fire?
Wisdom of warfare?
Happy as beasts are to suffer.
To enjoy humility.

Who rescued me from DEATH?
You envy me Zeus..................

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Happiness Depends on Ourselves

I chose this quote for a couple of reasons one of the reasons is that I am not always positive and when I see the quote at the top of my blog I feel happier and more positive. it is a very true statement if we want to be happy we have to depend on ourselves and not just others. There is always a glimmer of hope that can lead us to happiness. Another reason that I chose this quote was because it is one of the only quotes that I actually felt meant something very important. It is also a quote that i feel like I can relate to. i love this quote and definitely think it is true.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Reflection of 6th Grade

What piece of work and learning are you most proud of?
I definitely feel that as a student I have grown so much this year both academically and socially. I would probably say that I am most proud of the literature circles that we have done this year. Since the start of the year I have improved significantly in writing over all. Though I feel as if my literature circles show clearly how much I have improved. At the start of the year I found it very hard to think of what to write about in literature circles. I now see it was because I left it to the last minute and did not do it with a positive attitude. The last literature circles that I did were amazing, I am very proud of myself and what I have achieved.

What were your greatest challenges?
My greatest challenge was probably doing my homework and giving it in on time. At the start of the year I never took my homework seriously and didn't worry about it but now I understand that homework is very important even if it is just to read a book. Homework gives you many benefits as it prepares you for the next class and you learn many interesting things that will help you in class. I put effort into my homework and always try to exceed at what I got before. Homework is also graded and very important.

Reflecting on your growth this year, what did you learn about yourself as a learner?
Over the course of 6th grade I have learnt as a learner I need to stay focused at one thing at a time otherwise it overwhelms me too much. When I get homework from all of my different classes I figure out what is the most important one and which one is due first so that I know which order to finish them in. I fell much more organized now than what I was at the start of the year. I am very happy with my improvement as a learner and feel as if I am ready for 7th grade.

4. To evaluate your work habits, choose 1 of the following from each category ( and provide explanations):

a) Behavior

Could be improved
Perfect - the model student
Perfect - the model student, my mum has definitely taught me to behave properly in class and I feel like it would be rude not to. I always try to have a positive attitude and a happy face when I am in class. I keep myself to myself in class and remember that I am indoors and not outside. At lunch I definitely seem to act differently as I am in a different environment but I still think about my behavior and how I should be acting.

b) Participation

Actively participate in class
Satisfactory, I participate in class but not all the time only if I am asked a question or if I need to ask a question. If I don't understand something I will ask but I do not raise my hand all the time to answer questions that the teacher asks the class. Though I feel I have improved since the start of the year.

c) Organization

Needs serious help
I'm super organized
I'm super organized, I always make sure I am organized for class before I get to school I also try to keep my locker nice and clean at all times. I also keep a diary for notes and homework so that I remember when things are due. Overall this year I have felt very organized. I hope to stay organized through 7th grade as well.

d) Effort

Needs serious help
I always go above and beyond what is required.
Satisfactory, since the start of the year I have definitely improved my effort towards my work but I wouldn't say that I go above and beyond. I try my best and set goals for myself to make sure that I keep improving my personal best. I definitely feel like I have improved since the start of the year and hope to keep on improving through the years to come.

5. Based upon your reflections, write two personal learning goals for Grade 7 next year.

Goal 1 - In Grade 7, I plan to exceed my personal best and overcome the obstacles that are to come.

Goal 2 - In Grade 7, I plan to make more friends so that I have a wide variety of close friends to hang out with in 7th grade.

6.Is there any more information about yourself that you would like the teachers to know?
At the start of every year I appear as a very shy down to Earth kind of person but when I start to settle down you will realize that I am quite a bubbly happy person who likes to joke around. Though I do take my work seriously I always try to have a bit of fun. At the start of the year I will be very quiet and will keep myself to myself but once I get used to 7th grade everything will be great.

7. Finally, cast your minds back to the first few months of middle school (when you arrived in Grade 6 ) what "Words of Wisdom" or "Advice" could you pass on to the Class of 2018?
My first year in middle school went by in a flash I had a wonderful time and I have definitely enjoyed 6th grade. Make sure that you keep on top of your homework as most of it is graded and put all of your effort into your work. Always have a positive attitude and you will do great. Don't worry about Malaysia Week it is not as bad as it sounds. I was really worried before I went but when I got their I had a ball and it went by so quickly. Have fun and enjoy yourself. Good luck and I cant way tot me to you guys!

This is link to my portfolio ti has another reflection on it and much more about all of my subjects please have a look at it:

Saturday, April 9, 2011

The Letter

Dear Asher
You have been my friend since I can't remember, you have helped learn new things and have created happiness for me. I hope I have done this same to you. This is going to be hard for me to say and for you to understand, but I decided I had to try. You have to promise me not to tell anyone about this make sure you burn this letter after you read it.
Remember the ceremony when they missed me out purposely? Well it was for a reason to show I had a very important but hard journey in front of me. The Receiver is someone who receives all the memories from the world both good and bad. See not all communities are like ours, Asher. Some are similar but most are very different. I know you will not understand most of this letter until later on so keep this in mind. I, Jonas am going on a very long tough journey to help the people of your community to have brighter future. See the people of our community don't know everything that is going on. I am afraid to say even you don't. It is my job is to make sure the people of the community receives the memories that I have received sot hat they understand how to make a brighter future for themselves and others.
One thing that people don't know is when you are released they don't let you walk through a door, they kill you. They inject a needle into your arm and that kills you then you are put done a rubbish shoot. Their are many more things that you need to learn about. I am going to take Gabriel with to save him as he was going to be released. Our journey will be hard and tough by the time you receive this letter we will have already left.
I am sorry to say this but Gabriel and I will never be able to return we are moving to another community.This will be hard for everyone but I decided you should be the person to know. You have been the best of the best, best friend.

I hope you understand why I am leaving now I wish you the best.
From Jonas

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


" Gabriel's breathing was even and deep. Jonas liked having him there, though he felt guilty about the secret. Each night he gave memories to Gabriel: memories of boat rides and picnics in the sun; memories of soft rainfall against windowpanes; memories of dancing bare-footed on a damp lawn.
The new child stirred slightly in his sleep, Jonas looked over at him.
"There could be love" Jonas whispered.

The next morning, for the first time, Jonas did not take his pill. Something within him, something that had grown there through the memories, told him to throw the pill away"

These quotes show how Jonas is becoming more free the last quotes says that he stops taking his pills. He is starting to make his won choices and learning how to become free. I think this is important for Jonas as he needs to step out of his shell. He also helping Gabriel to grown up being free happy and being able to make his own choices. Everyone else in the community has not ever heard of choice or freedom yet. It is important that Jonas sends these messages to Gabriel as Gabriel will be able to teach others about hope and freedom. He also whispers to Gabe that their still could be love. I think Jonas wants to be able to experience love not just within families but outside families as well.

Jonas has started to become more free and is helping Gabriel to grow up free. This is going to help Gabriel understand freedom and choice when he grows up unlike the epode of his community. If everyone raises their kids like this they will be strong humans beings when they grow up and won't be afraid to make choices. It is important to grow up knowing you have your own freedom.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Monday, March 14, 2011

The Giver: Why does The Giver say that making choices would be frightening for people?

In humanities we are reading the book the Giver and were told to choose to write about one of these three questions:
1. When Jonas learns all about col2. Why does Jonas find the instruction about lying so disturbing?
ors, he claims "it isn't fair that nothing has color". Why does he say this?
3. Why does The Giver say that making choices would be frightening for people?
I chose to answer the 3rd question why does the Giver say that making choices would be frightening fort he people. The reason that I chose to write about it is because you could answer this question so many different ways as everyone has a different prospectives.

The reason that I think it would be frightening for the people to make choices is because they would not know what to do. Imagine being locked up for the whole of your life and being told what to do and then being let out into the wild having to make decisions for yourself. It would be so hard and no one would be able to help you as no one else knew what to do either. This is how it would have felt for the people of Jonas's community. Everyone would be in a mess especially if they let you choose your own job. What if when you picked your own job you picked because you thought it would be fun but in the end you don't understand anything about the job. This is one of the benefits about being assigned a job as you know that you should do good at it. If I was like Jonas and was the receiver of memories then I would probably think the same and say it would be dangerous for the people. They would not know what to do during spare time or what to eat or even when to get up. I think it would take generations after generations for the people from Jonas's community to understand what choices are and how to make them.

"Or what if," he went on, almost laughing at the absurdity, "They chose their own jobs?"
"Frightening, isn't it?" The giver said.
Jonas chuckled. "Very frightening. I can't even imagine it. We really have to protect people for wrong choices."
"It's safer."
"Yes" Jonas agreed "Much safer."

I think the reason is because everyone even the giver is scared of making choices because they have not had the choice for generations. Even though he saw the memories of the world he is still scared to make choices and change in the community. I think that Jonas will be brave enough to help make change in the community. Jonas will fight for his people and make the community more free sot hat they can make more choices. It might take him a little bit of time to understand that not all choices are frightening like it say in the quote.

"Asher," JOnas said one morning. "Look at those flowers very carefully."
"What's the matter?" Asher asked uneasily. "Is something wrong?"
"No, nothing I thought for a minute that they were wilting, and we should let the gardening crew know they need more watering." Jonas sighed, and turned away.

In this passage Jonas is already trying to see if anyone else can see the colour in the flowers so I know that he will help the community make good, healthy choices. It will be hard but important for Jonas to help his people understand choices. He will make a great receiver of memory and will bring more hope to the people then any other. It may take a while for them to understand as they can't receive the memories at least not yet like Jonas. I think Jonas will do a great job at helping the people and will be a responsible leader.

Monday, March 7, 2011

The Giver

In class at the moment I am reading the Giver by Lois Lowry I am really enjoying it and would recommend it to others. In class we have been asked to answer the following question: Would you want your future to be decided by others ? Why or Why not?
Here is my answer:
I think you should have the freedom to decide your own future and others shouldn't decided for you. In the giver Jonas and the people of his community have to follow strict rules and rituals. The Chief Elder decides what job you should be assigned and you have no other choice. I don't think this is right and that you should be allowed to choose you own job or at least get a chance at trying out for it.

The reason I think you should get to decide your own future is because it is part of growing up, you learn from your mistakes. I also think other people should not be deciding your future other wise when you are young you can't have the fun of deciding what you want to be when your older. I have a plan already and so do my siblings. I think this is all a big part of growing up. I mean what would you choose, for other people to boss you about or for you to be free and be able to choose for yourself? I think it is quite obvious what we would all choose to be free and ourselves.

Another reason is that if someone turned round and said oh your going to be a vet I would not be happy. I hate anything gruesome inside an animal. I love animals but couldn't cope as a vet. As I keep saying no one is going to choose what I want to be when I am older.I want to make my own decisions in life and be who I wan't to be and not who anyone else wants me to be. I am happy with who I am and wouldn't change anything. I think everyone should learn to be who they wan to be in life and I think it is a valuable lesson.

Monday, February 7, 2011


In class we have been studying Ancient Egyptian, our task was to make a movie all about one pharaoh. So I partnered up with Hime a girl in my class and we set to work here is the movie that we made on Cleopatra.

Pharaohs created monuments so that they would be remembered and respected by their people. Also Caesar created a monument for Cleopatra to show her how much he loved her. Pharaohs also created temples for their people to keep them happy and satisfied. I also believe that they built m
onuments to represent gods and goddesses to show how powerful they are. If I were a Pharaoh I would definitely create monuments so that my people remember me and the gods.

One of the many monuments that we have today are the twin towers in Malaysia which are a bit like some monuments in Egypt. One reason that the twin towers were built was to show case Malaysia, for a short amount of time they were the tallest towers in the world. This made people recognize Kuala Lumpur much more than it was before a bit like the pyramids. The pyramids showcase Egypt just like how the twin towers showcase Malaysia, they make their countries a huge tourist attraction. One of the three Cleopatra's needles are showcased in London and is a huge tourist attraction. This is an example of how monuments from Egypt can help other countries become a tourist attraction,

In our partnerships we used google documents to collaborate, using google docs help us a lot. One of the best things about using google doc's is that you can both work on it at the same time just on two different computers. Also if you need to catch up on some of the assignment at home than you can just go to google documents. Unlike word where you would have to use a thumb drive to be able to work on it at home. I think in the future that everyone will use google doc's so that we can all collaborate constructively.

Doing this assignment helped me learn much more about Ancient Egypt and the people who lived their. Also we were able to learn about the different gods and goddesses and how the Egyptians worshipped them. People where put at different levels of living and how the Pharaoh and his family had a luxurious life and the hundreds of thousands of peasants did not have such a good life.

During this project you had to be able to work well with your partner otherwise this project would be really challenging. Luckily me and my partner worked together brilliantly and got our project finished in time and neatly. What helped was that one of us was logic and the other one was gestalt. So we had both sides of the brain working on this project.

During this assignment me and my partner thought creatively to make our movie interesting. We also collaborated constructively together on our google doc writing the script. Finally we learned enthusiastically by always staying positive during working together and we never gave up. I think that Hime and I did a great job on our movie and would love to work with her again.

Here is the movie that Hime and I made on Cleopatra.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Aberdeen, Scotland

I sat through all the presentation praying to myself saying please, please, please dont let me be next. Eventually everyone had gone and I knew that it had to be me, my heart started beating faster I started to shake with fright. Pulling myself of the chair I stood up not knowing what was going to happen.

Guess what? I felt great once I got up their I was still shaking a bit but I felt fine. I think in my presentation I could have had some additional information. I could have remembered some interesting facts in my head instead of just reading of the board. I could have been more specific with my facts and made it more interesting I think that I would have been able to catch peoples attention a bit more if I had added some additional information. Saying this I think that my presentation went pretty smoothly.

I think I was able to show not just the importance of Aberdeen but how nice a place it is as well. I spoke nice and clearly and I am pretty sure everyone could hear me. My slides were nice and clear you could read them properly and you didn't have to strain your eyes to read the text. My overall presentation was good I also really enjoyed finding the information as you lear new interesting facts on the way.

I felt that on a lot of peoples presentation their was too much text so at parts it became a bit boring. In my presentation I didn't have as much information on my slides but I think that was ok because I had more facts in my head that I told them. I focused mostly on the environmental and historical facts but some people focused on other points of the presentation which made very interesting so next time I am going to try that,

Next time I do a presentation I am going to add in some more fun and interesting facts to keep everyones attention. I enjoyed doing this presentation and would like to do another in the future a bit like it so that I can add more to it. I am happy with my final results and if you want to look at my presentation here is the link:

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The New Year!

Okay, so this might sound weird to you but I have decided that one of my new years resolutions is to blow dry my hair more often! See my mum is always complaining that my hair looks greasy and would look so much better blow dried, so to please my mum and make her happy I am going to blow dry my hair as often as possible. I will also be able to wear my hair down more often as it won't be so puffy as it usually is. When I was back in Scotland for the winter break my hair looked so much better as it was really cold in Scotland and their is no humidity to make my hair puffy and fluffy. Finally when I came back to Malaysia my hair went back to its usual self, all puffy and fluffy. Tonight when I get home I am going to have a shower and then blow dry my hair and start this new years resolution! This is a benefit for me and not just my mum and I am happy with this resolution.

The one other new years resolution that I have decided on is that I will give away 365 of my things one for each day of the new year. For example I might give away a vest top one day and the next a hair bobble to make other people less fortunate happy. It will also put a smile on my face to know that others are becoming happy through my generosity. I will be able to help give 365 people a better time for once and that is what counts. Knowing this brings a smile to my face. I think that this will also set a good example so that others will start to do what I have been doing. I hope one day I will be able to put a smile on everyones face.
Just Smile!!!

Yes!!! I had finally gotten to the top! It was time for me to hope into my tube and whiz down the hill in my rubber ring. This was the best part of my holiday, I went to aberdeen ski centre on the 23rd of december with my cousins ready to go tubing. Normally they use this fake flooring like snow to tube on but the snow had come down so heavily you couldn't even see the fake snow flooring! It was a long and hard climb to the top the tube was pretty heavy and it was a steep hill but it all pays off when you get to the top! I sat down in my ring the man gave me a push and I was of whirling round the tight bends until I reached the bottom having the time of my life. This had to be the best part of the winter break!

Also spending time with my cousins was great fun I am very close to them as they are around the same age as me. Their names are Jamie and Thomas, they are both boys but I am still great friends with them and enjoy having them around. I will always remember the day that I went tubing with them it was so fun there is no way I could forget! I hope to be able to go tubing again with them and really enjoyed my christmas holidays in Scotland and can't wait to go back again.

pictures from: